Dating When You Are An Adult: Tips For Each Chapter Of Your Life
/No matter if you're new to the dating scene or have been in it for a while, dating isn't an easy experience for most people.
You used to have to meet people in person. Maybe you ran into one another at the grocery store. Or maybe you were out with friends and someone caught your eye at the bar. You talked to each other, flirted, exchanged numbers, and carried on from there.
Now, a lot of dating happens online. People slide into each other's direct messages (DMs). Or maybe you've been on dating apps swiping left and right until you found a match and were able to have a conversation online.
On top of the changes in the dating world, there are also changes that have to be considered if you're dating at different age ranges. You may have wanted something completely different in your twenties compared to what you may be looking for if you're still in the dating scene in your thirties or forties.
We're here to help you no matter where you may fall in the dating world. Here are some tips for dating during each chapter of your life when you're an adult.
When you're a twenty-something in the dating scene, you may be trying to have fun or you may be trying to actively find your person. Twenty-somethings have to navigate through just friends, friends with benefits, together, dating, in a relationship, etc. There are so many different labels that mean different things when you're in your twenties.
One of the best things you can do is to be completely open and honest about who you're talking to about what you're looking for. Try not to lead anyone on and don't have high hopes or expectations if boundaries were set and you're hoping they will change their mind.
When you reach your thirties, you probably have a better idea of what you're looking for. You may have had a little bit of fun in your twenties, but you were able to learn a little bit more about yourself and what kind of partner you'd like to end up with.
If you're still not quite sure what you're looking for, now is the perfect time to figure it out. Write down your goals. Do you want a partner that is successful? Do you have a type in terms of looks? You can even look at some of your friends who are in relationships and see what you like and dislike from watching them together.
After Divorce
After you go through a divorce, it can be difficult to want to put yourself out there again. At the right time, you may come around to the idea of dating again. Use your divorce as a learning lesson. Everything happens for a reason, right? Now you can set better boundaries moving forward. You know what you're looking for as well as what you're not looking for. Honestly, that's a great place to start.
As a Widow
Maybe you had a happy and healthy marriage but you've experienced the unfortunate situation of your spouse passing away. You may not want to start all over again in terms of dating. You're not alone. If and when you feel you're ready to start dating, start small. You don't have to rush into a serious relationship right away. Get to know one another and start by having fun together.
Next Steps
Therapy isn't only for people who are struggling with their mental health. Therapy can also be a great and useful tool for individuals who may be struggling with their love life.
No matter what dating chapter you're at in your life, therapy could be exactly what you need in order to help you figure out what you're looking for. Reach out today to set up a consultation for relationship counseling or anxiety treatment if you are worried about this stage of your life.