Do Stress And Anxiety Prevent You From Enjoying Your Success?
Are you an accomplished professional who “has it all,” but you’re still unsatisfied with your life? Do you find it difficult to enjoy what you have because it feels like you don’t deserve any of it? Despite your success, do you feel as though you always have to project a certain image of confidence due to an inexplicable sense of insecurity?
Perhaps you spend long hours under heavy work demands and despite trying to shake off the stress with a drink or a trip to the gym, you inevitably end up at home venting to your partner. Or maybe you are in such a high-stakes, money-driven industry that the pressure to succeed has become unbearable.
Dealing with anxiety, in all its forms, can quickly wear you down—and its symptoms aren’t always so obvious. For instance, you may be channeling all of your time and energy into work, eroding your relationships and personal health. You’re likely lying awake at night, contemplating your adequacy or self-worth only to perpetuate those insecurities by waking up drained and unmotivated. At work, you may be having trouble with superiors or subordinates. Or perhaps you are so defined by your career or role that you no longer feel like you are enjoying life the way you should.
Many high-functioning, successful individuals find themselves swimming through a sea of stress and self-doubt every day. But stress doesn’t have to take control of your life. With my help and a little work, you can learn to believe in yourself, embrace your accomplishments, and enjoy all that you have.
High-Achievers Are Always Their Own Worst Critic
Low self-worth, guilt, self-doubt, a lack of confidence—all are anxiety-related issues that many successful, goal-driven individuals face. Oftentimes, those insecurities stem from some experience or relationship in the past.
For instance, all children grow up with anger and resentment toward their parents, and that anger is accompanied by guilt. Sometimes, that anger causes so much guilt that they identify with their parent’s worst trait and repeatedly get into unhealthy relationships. Or maybe that same anger manifested as a rebellious streak when younger and now it creates tension and conflict with anyone who is a person of authority.
Because anger is rarely without its counterpart—shame—many people carry around so much unconscious guilt that they think they don’t deserve real happiness. So they unconsciously sabotage their chances for it. Without their awareness, this serves both as self-punishment and a punishment of their loved ones by not allowing themselves to live a fulfilling life. And with Covid-19, economic uncertainty, and the highly competitive nature of working in a metropolis like Manhattan, any of these issues can easily get exacerbated, creating more stress and anxiety.
Though you may be able to recognize the symptoms, what you are experiencing is so unconsciously driven that overcoming anxiety and issues of low-self worth can be complicated. However, with my guidance and support, you can access those inner parts of yourself and change the way you think and feel so you can enjoy what you have without guilt.
Anxiety Treatment Can Help Heal The Source Of Your Pain
Though friends and family can offer invaluable support, most of the time they aren’t capable of providing impartial guidance. Working with an anxiety therapist in a space free of judgment gives you access to an objective listener who is able to observe and interpret what is really going on beneath the surface.
Understanding how you function psychologically, interpersonally, and in your external environment enables you to change those aspects of yourself that are holding you back. In time, you’ll learn to analyze what is happening in the moment and react accordingly, even long after you have left therapy.
Throughout the healing process, the goals of clients often change, which is why I don’t rely on a rigid therapeutic structure for anxiety treatment. Rather, I want to tackle whatever is at the forefront of your mind, giving you the chance to voice your concerns before I interpret and provide insight.
During our first session, we’ll go over the paperwork I’ll have you fill out beforehand and answer any questions you have about the process. I believe that the most important aspect of therapy is the quality of the relationship you have with your therapist, so I want to make sure you feel comfortable. Once you are ready, we can begin exploring some of the problems you face, their underlying (unconscious) causes, and the goals you have for anxiety treatment.
If there is a deep-rooted issue beneath the anxiety, we want to make sure to treat the whole issue and not just the symptoms so that it doesn’t resurface. To do that, I’ll need to help you learn more about how you think and act in your environment. Once you are able to recognize what you are experiencing in the moment and where it is coming from, you’ll be equipped to make conscious choices. As you grow more comfortable with who you are and start taking control of improving yourself, you will become more capable of weathering the storms that inevitably come up in life.
Psychoanalysis and psychodynamic psychotherapy—in-depth forms of talk therapy—are fundamental parts of my approach to anxiety treatment. Both of these tools bring unconscious beliefs and feelings to the conscious level so that you can see what drives your thoughts, behavior, and interpersonal relationships. In that way, we can get to the core of what is going on and treat it from there. All you need is an open mind and a positive attitude that allows you to hear things about yourself for the first time and incorporate that new information into how you live.
I’ve been helping individuals learn how to manage and overcome anxiety-related issues for over twenty years, and I see people change all the time. For some, the journey can be a little longer. But this isn’t a competition—you already have enough of that in your life!
The constant stress, anxiety, self-doubt, and fear have held you back far too long. Whatever you are going through, I can help you get to a place where you understand yourself, appreciate who you are, and are able to relax and enjoy what you have.
Perhaps you are considering anxiety treatment but still have some concerns…
I’m reluctant to seek therapy for my anxiety because it makes me feel weak.
Going to therapy is no different than going to a medical doctor, lawyer, accountant, or any other professional for assistance. I know it may seem counter-intuitive, but acknowledging that you can’t explain something or resolve a problem on your own is a demonstration of wisdom and inner strength. And that is something to be admired because, as you know, admitting vulnerability is not easy to do. But you’ve shown you have the will and courage, so why not see what happens?
I’m so busy. I just don’t think I want to spend the time or money on anxiety therapy.
When you go to therapy, you’re making a short-term investment of time, money, emotional resources, and energy into your long-term health and happiness. Once you start to take care of yourself and heal the wounds that are causing you stress, anxiety, or overwhelm, you can begin to experience immediate relief—and reward. Plus, when you take care of yourself, your work performance improves, relationships stabilize, and the ones you love will appreciate seeing you live a happier life.
I feel like I’ve been in therapy my whole life. What will make this different?
There are many reasons why therapy may not have worked out so far. You could have had a poor connection with your anxiety therapists, or you weren’t emotionally ready to open up. But the truth is, I am good at what I do. And I could not have stayed in this business for as long as I have without the constant reward of seeing people improve their lives. I know it’s possible. And if you are willing to believe in yourself and commit that highly-competitive, indomitable spirit of yours to healing, there is nothing you cannot overcome.
You Deserve To Be Happy And Live A Fulfilling Life
Learning how to believe in yourself and appreciate all that you’ve accomplished is not too much for anyone to ask. For a happier, more fulfilling future, please call (212) 475-3488 or contact me to set up an appointment for a free, 15 to 20-minute phone consultation.
All anxiety counseling sessions are being conducted online or via phone.