What Are The Causes of Anxiety?
/You experience different emotions each and every day.
Happiness, sadness, anger, jealousy, fear, surprise, disgust. These are just a few of the many different emotions you have the capability of experiencing within a 24-hour period.
You may wake up in the best mood in the world. You went to bed early, got enough sleep, and woke up feeling well-rested and refreshed.
But while getting ready for work, your emotions may have taken a turn for the worse. You may have spilled coffee all over yourself, burned your breakfast, and got stuck in traffic on your way to work causing you to be late. Just within your morning, you may have experienced anger, fear, sadness, and impatience. You may have even experienced a little anxiety about being late.
Let's learn more about some of the causes of anxiety.
Family History
While you can inherit certain traits from your parents or grandparents like hair and eye color, height, or complexion, you can also inherit mental health conditions like anxiety. Anxiety runs in families. If a family member experienced anxiety, you're more likely to pick up on it and also experience your own version of anxiety.
Past Trauma
How you were raised or experiences that you dealt with as a child can also have an impact on your life, even in adulthood. Your past experiences make you who you are today. Negative experiences that occur when you're young can trigger anxiety as you're growing up. If you experienced emotional abuse, physical abuse, or neglect, you're more likely to have problems with anxiety. Being bullied, harassed, or losing a loved one like a parent can also cause signs and symptoms of anxiety later in life.
Daily Life and Routine
There are days when you may feel more stressed compared to other days. For example, you may show more stress during your work week compared to the weekend when you're able to relax, rest, and unwind a bit more. Your daily life and lifestyle can have a huge impact, positive and negative, on your life and any anxiety.
These are some of the most common life changes or events that can trigger the signs and symptoms of anxiety:
Financial problems
Life changes
Losing a loved one
Ongoing stress
Working long hours
Physical and Mental Health Problems
Preexisting mental and physical health conditions can also cause or increase the signs and symptoms of anxiety. Chronic illnesses or life-threatening diseases can bring on a lot of stress and anxiety. Mental health conditions like depression can also make it easier for something like anxiety to develop. Drug, alcohol, and medication use and abuse can also be a contributing factor to developing anxiety.
Next Steps
If you experience anxiety, you're not alone. Anxiety is a normal human emotion that anyone has the capability of experiencing from time to time. That being said, if you notice that your anxiety is starting to impact your daily life and routine in a negative way, there's a larger issue at hand.
Anxiety shouldn't define you. And it doesn't have to define you if you feel like it currently is. If you're struggling with anxiety, help is available to you. Working with a therapist can help you identify any causes or stressors that may be triggering your anxiety. A therapist will also be able to help you implement coping mechanisms for you to better manage and control any of the signs or symptoms you may be experiencing.
Don't delay in getting the help you need and deserve. Reach out today to set up a consultation for anxiety treatment.