How To Deal With Stress When You Are Highly Successful
/Just because you're highly successful doesn't mean you don't have stress. As a highly successful person, there's a good chance you could actually be dealing with more stress compared to the average person.
You may have deadlines that are approaching. Maybe a team is counting on you. Clients may have strict asks or questions that are waiting on answers from you. You may even be preparing for a big presentation.
No matter what the cause of the stress is, stress is real and something that every single person in the world faces. That includes highly successful people.
Here's how to deal with stress when you are highly successful.
Take Care of Yourself
It can be easy to completely dismiss your own wants and needs when you're keeping yourself busy and chasing after success. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be successful, but you have to make sure that you're dedicating as much time to yourself and your own needs as you are to your success. You can't expect to give yourself to someone else or something else like your career if you're not taking care of yourself. You won't have the energy or mental focus and clarity to be successful if you're constantly dismissing your own needs.
Make sure you're eating between three to five healthy and well-balanced meals during your day. Drink enough water. Aim to get at least eight hours of sleep every night. These are basic human needs that must be done in order for your body and brain to function.
Move Your Body
Another great way to help manage stress as well as take care of yourself is to move your body. Moving your body is extremely beneficial for your overall mental health and wellness. Not only is it a great way to stay healthy, but it's also great to reduce stress and increase your mood. You don't have to spend hours at the gym or run miles and miles on end to seek the benefits. Try moving your body for at least thirty minutes each day. This could mean going for a walk around your neighborhood, hopping on an indoor bicycle, walking on a treadmill, or hitting up your local gym or a class at a studio. Find whatever works for you, and find a way to fit it into your schedule. You could wake up earlier in the morning, take a break during your work day or lunch break, or schedule time for yourself after work.
Practice Mindfulness
A lot of people associate mindfulness with meditation. Meditation is one of those things that you shouldn't knock it before you try it. Plus, if you've already tried meditation and you're not a huge face, that's okay too. There are other ways that you can practice mindfulness that may be better suited for you and your needs. Here are a few different ways you can practice mindfulness:
Deep breathing
Draw, doodle, or color
Get outside
Repeat a mantra
Write in a journal
Next Steps
Stress is a common feeling, but stress can affect people differently. Someone may experience stress while public speaking, while another person may be able to give a presentation without breaking a sweat. No matter what the exact cause of your stress is, there are things that you can do to try to cope with it or better manage it moving forward.
Your stress does not define you. Nor does it state whether or not you'll be or are successful. Everyone deals with stress from time to time. If you're struggling with managing it all, you don't have to do it all on your own. Reach out to us today to set up a consultation for counseling for professionals. We'll work with you to help you get to the root cause of your stress and help you move forward in your life again.