Owning Vulnerability As A Highly Successful Person
/Highly successful people often feel like they have to push aside or hide their emotions in order to be or remain successful.
They're often so worried about failing or disappointing others or themselves that they shy away from any type of risk.
“A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.”
This is how you can own vulnerability as a highly successful person.
Show Your True Self
Allowing yourself to be vulnerable is the best way to let people see your true self. "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." You'll continue to miss opportunities if you're not willing to take risks, put yourself out there, or learn from your mistakes. Failure is inevitable. You can't possibly know everything or be perfect in every single thing you do in life. And you know what? No one expects that out of you either. So, why are you holding yourself to such high and impossible standards?
Be a Team Player
Some of the best leaders are both highly successful and vulnerable. Leaders are able to lead and direct their teams but also are able to get down and dirty with their teammates. They're able to listen, learn, and understand where their team is coming from. The environment they create is welcoming because team members are able to show up as their true selves and be vulnerable. True leaders are able to admit when they're wrong, are able to ask for help, and are welcoming of new ideas or processes to improve the company, themselves, and others. Change, creativity, and innovation often start with someone being vulnerable. Don't limit yourself or your potential. Open yourself up to all of the possibilities.
Practice Mindfulness
Being vulnerable isn't something that comes easy for most people, especially those who are highly successful. If vulnerability isn't something that comes naturally to you, you're not alone. A lot of people tend to put a wall up when it comes to being vulnerable. One of the best ways to start to be more vulnerable is to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is a great way to bring you back to the present moment so you can channel your thoughts, emotions, and energy into the here and now instead of worrying about the past or future.
Be Open to Change
Let's be honest. No one actually likes change. That being said, change is something that everyone has to adapt to and deal with. You can't expect to make yourself better if you constantly do the same thing just because it works. The world is constantly evolving and growing, and you are doing the same with it. When you allow yourself to accept change, you're opening more doors for yourself with new ideas, opportunities, and growth.
Seek Progress Over Perfection
When you're scrolling on social media, it can often seem like everyone has a picture-perfect family with their carefully crafted, staged, and filtered photos. But you're not actually seeing what is going on behind the scenes. You're only seeing their highlight reel.
Be open and honest with yourself and others. There is no such thing as perfection. You can be both highly successful and vulnerable. The two aren't mutually exclusive.
Next Steps
Being vulnerable isn't easy. With time and practice, it becomes easier. Don't let society or stigmas prevent you from showing up and acting as your true self. If you're struggling with being able to open up, you're not alone. A therapist may be exactly what you need to dig deep inside yourself and learn that being vulnerable isn't something that needs to be buried deep inside of yourself.
If you're interested in learning more about how you can be more vulnerable, reach out today to set up a consultation about counseling for professionals.