5 Common Signs of Depression You May Not Have Realized Were Symptoms


You may be familiar with some of the more common symptoms of depression. Perhaps you recognize that prolonged periods of sadness, feelings of isolation and loneliness, and emotional numbness can all be warning signs of this mental health condition. But sometimes, depression goes unrecognized.

Depression can manifest in different ways. If someone presents with lesser-known symptoms, they may not realize that they’re struggling with depression. This can cause them to delay seeking treatment. That’s why it’s important to raise awareness of the wide spectrum of depression symptoms. Here are a few symptoms of depression that many people are not aware of.

Sleep Disturbances

Maybe you’ve noticed that you’re sleeping more than usual. Or maybe you know that you’re not getting as much sleep as you should, but toss and turn at night anyway, unable to doze off. And no matter what, you’re always exhausted. Even when you’re completely drained, you can’t fall asleep easily. Yet on nights when you get more than enough sleep, you still feel tired the next day.

In general, sleep disturbances can indicate depression. Sleeping too much or too little are both symptoms.

Loss of Interest in Hobbies

Have you found yourself saying no to activities that you used to love? Maybe you quit a hobby group or set a project aside solely due to lack of interest. You can’t pinpoint exactly why you don’t want to do it anymore - but you’ve found that lately, none of your old hobbies really hold your attention anymore.

In fact, even activities that were purely pleasurable, like going out to eat at nice restaurants or socializing with your friends on the weekend, hold little appeal for you these days.

If this scenario sounds familiar, you may be suffering from depression. A loss of interest in your favorite hobbies and a lack of pleasure in formerly enjoyable activities can be red flags.

Feeling Unworthy

Unshakeable feelings of guilt can indicate depression. Perhaps you feel unworthy of support from your loved ones. Maybe you worry that you aren’t valued by the people in your life or that you’re a failure.

Or maybe you simply can’t escape the feeling that you’re guilty of something, even when you haven’t done anything wrong. This sense of unworthiness can be a symptom of depression that people might simply chalk up to low self-esteem.

Slower Reactions

When someone calls your name, it takes you a few seconds longer to respond. If somebody asks you a question, you have to pause and think about the answer, even if it’s something that you should know off the top of your head.

Maybe your physical reactions and reflexes have slowed down, too. You’re not as energetic as you used to be, and you find yourself moving slower than you used to. Yes, this can be a symptom of depression that many people don’t identify as such.

Trouble Concentrating

At work, you zone out at meetings. When you sit down to read or watch a movie, you can barely keep track of what’s happening. You even struggle to follow conversations, and when it comes to your to-do list, you often forget tasks you needed to take care of. In addition, you’re struggling to make even simple decisions, like choosing an outfit or figuring out what to make for dinner.

Having trouble concentrating and making decisions can be a warning sign that you’re suffering from depression. If you find that focusing and decision-making have become arduous, it may be time to seek help.

Are you dealing with symptoms of depression and wondering what to do next? Working with a therapist can help. Reach out to us today to discuss your options for scheduling your first session.